Wednesday, April 04, 2018

A Self portrait of sorts. . .and other odds and ends

I do not think the reference picture looks like me (plus I was +12 lbs at the time), but it is a funky cool photo.  Just bing watched Season 2 of Jessica Jones and her landlord is a painter and had all kinds of portraits lying around his apartment kinda inspired me to do this one.  May not look like me, but I like it.

                 Pen & Ink + watercolor on 180 lbs Stilman & Birn Beta

A very small copse of evergreen trees just outside my window, just playing around with color and water.  More a doodle than a painting.

                                   Watercolor on paper 5.5 x 3.5 inches

I have seen Leigh Reyes do this to great effect.  This is my first pass at trying it.  Not bad, but I will do better next time.

             Vert de Rio ink (Robert Oster) on 140 lbs watercolor paper (4x6 inches)


  1. I don't think it looks like you too much, but I do like it a lot!

  2. I don't think it looks like you too much, but I do like it a lot!

  3. Oops. I don't know why I hit that post twice!?

  4. Thanks. At the time of the photo, I was a bit heavier and it made my face very round. :(
